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New Horizons Virtual Town Hall 10 - Demystifying Dyskinesia!
Do you or your child have movements that are difficult to control? Is your mobility and function impacted by abnormal movements or do these movements cause pain? If so, you or your child may have Dyskinesia. If you want to learn more, including how it is treated, don't miss this educational Town Hall with experts Dr. Heather Riordan, from Kennedy Krieger Institute, and Dr. Michael Kruer, from Phoenix Children's.
Demystifying Dyskinesia with Dr. Heather Riordan and Dr. Michael Kruer on March 27th at 7:00 PM ET
New Horizons Virtual Town Hall 9 - Do You Have Movements That Are Difficult To Control? Maybe It's Dyskinesia.
Do you or your child have movements that are difficult to control? Is your mobility and function impacted by abnormal movements and cause pain? If so, you or your child may have Dyskinesia. If you want to learn more, including how it is treated, please join us on for a new educational Town Hall with experts Dr. Susan Biffl, from Rady Children's Hospital, and Dr. Mark Gormley, from Gillette Children's.
Do you have movements that are difficult to control? Maybe it'd dyskinesia. With an image of Dr. Susan Biffl wearing a black shirt and Dr. Mark Gormley wearing a blue shirt and tie. Over the logo New Horizons Virtual Town Hall Series
Episode 7. Let's Talk CP. Cracking the Cerebral Palsy Genetic Code Part 2 with Dr. Michael Kruer, Physician Scientist at Phoenix Children's Hospital
Can there be a genetic cause of Cerebral Palsy in some cases? Let's Talk CP host, Cynthia Frisina talks with Dr. Michael Kruer about this topic and his ground-breaking research in Part 2 of a two-part discussion about the possible genetic causes of CP. When Michael Kruer was in medical school, he knew he wanted to work with children. With advancements in gene therapy opening up incredible opportunities in neuroscience, he realized he could be a part of something much bigger than himself and give children affected by movement disorders like cerebral palsy hope that didn’t seem possible just a few years ago.
Michael Kruer has short brown hair, he is smiling wearing a lab coat with a blue tie