
Mom holding her sleeping baby kangaroo style in the NICU

Pain and sleep problems are common in people with cerebral palsy with over 60% of individuals with CP reporting that they experience pain.

Constant or recurring pain is a very common physical concern of individuals with cerebral palsy (CP), often beginning in childhood but becoming more intense and frequent over the lifespan. Here are some facts about pain in CP and measures that can be taken to alleviate this chronic problem.

This section looks also at common causes for pain, assessments for identifying pain as well as emerging treatments. Left untreated pain and sleep problems can adversely impact activities, participation, and quality of life. 

Sleep is important for all of us. If your baby's having sleep disturbance, it's important that you, as a parent, feel comfortable to ask for help.

Dr. Nathalie Maitre, MD, PhD
Director of Early Development and Cerebral Palsy Research, Emory University School of Medicine and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta; Chief Science Officer and co-Founder SmallTalk