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NINDS/NICHD Cerebral Palsy Strategic Plan
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) are hosting a national cerebral palsy research workshop that will help develop the next US strategic plan for cerebral palsy research, to be held virtually on August 17 and 18.
Icon of microscope against documents against gray background
Pediatric Bimanual Therapy: A Scoping Review of Patients, Methods, and Outcomes
Bimanual therapy, also referred to as intensive bimanual training, engages patients in active play or practice to improve the use and coordination of both hands. Bimanual therapy is different from similar unimanual therapies, like constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), because it promotes simultaneous use of both hands.
Icon of microscope against documents against gray background
How important is it to control drooling and other frequently asked questions
Drooling is an important problem for many individuals with CP and there are a number of interventions available to treat symptoms. If an individual with CP or their caregiver have concerns about drooling it is important to discuss with a health care provider. Care pathways such as the AACPDM pathway can be a starting point for shared decision making. In all cases, working together as a team is important in choosing the best alternative. Children and adults with CP may have trouble with drooling, or saliva management. In the medical world, drooling is referred to as sialorrhea. Saliva plays an important role in eating but also can interfere with airway clearance and breathing, as well as social participation. When drooling has this kind of impact it becomes important to consider intervention.
Photo of a young man in a blue shirt, wearing dark sunglasses with yellow rims reclining in a wheelchair with a batman printed neck pillow around his neck. He is in a hospital room and has a feeding tube attached to the wheelchair.
The EazyHold® universal cuff is the answer to gripissues that parents, occupational therapists, schools, hospitals, and care facilities have been seeking. The patented design, available in multiple sizes, gives children and adults the ability to hold onto and use tons of items with ease.
What is Constraint Induced Movement Therapy?
Upper limb therapies and interventions have been well studied in cerebral palsy. Different interventions that have good evidence are Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) and Bimanual Therapy. CIMT has been shown to be successful in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). CIMT uses a splint to physically constrain the uninvolved arm and encourage them to use the more involved or affected arm.
Drawing of hand next to drawing of hand in sling for movement constraint therapy