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Children's Waivers and More
Medicaid Waivers, Katie Beckett or TEFRA are all forms of benefits that an "waive" medicaid financial restrictions for parents of children who have a developmental disability acquired prior to the age of three. has provided a comprehensive, interactive website of all available medicaid waiver programs by State across the US.
Map of the United States in Purple
What's the Difference Between SSI and SSDI?
Many people do not know the difference between SSI and SSDI. It can be very confusing for a family or individual to understand what is available, and whether they will qualify. Very often, the recipients and their families do not even know which benefits they are receiving. But it is important to understand some basic information about government benefits. This post will focus on the two most common government benefits and give you a brief overview of how they work.
Heading that says: Understanding Benefits: SSI and SSDI written over an image of money in an envelope with a calendar next to it.
Special Needs Trusts - Advantages of a Pooled Trust
Setting up a Third Party-Special Needs trust as part of estate planning is essential if the individual with a disability is or may be eligible for means-tested government benefits. A properly set up Third Party Trust ensures that the funds left to the individual, whether through gift or inheritance, are not considered countable assets when applying for means tested benefits
Illustration of a bank over a bluish purple background with the heading Get the Facts: Advantages of a Pooled trust
Understanding Gait Analysis & Orthopedic Surgery
It's really hard just to watch someone walk to decide what's wrong with them. A better way is to do what's called Three Dimensional Gait Analysis, and that's where the child comes into one of our labs. Here, we put markers on their face, hands, and legs. We have a computer and a bunch of cameras all around the room. And then we're able to break down the gait into three dimensions.
Stick figure against purple background with trackers and cameras on them to monitor their gait
Owen’s Story Isn’t Over, It Is Just Beginning
Owen is our third baby and after a healthy pregnancy and making it to 38 weeks, I thought we would coast into life with three kids and adapt to the beautiful chaos that is life outnumbered by little ones. Somewhere in between, I ended up watching as my newborn baby was packed up into a life-flight helicopter and whisked away before I even got a chance to hold him. I would do whatever it took to get to Owen at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, I would will him from hundreds of miles away to hang on, to fight long enough for me to get there – and then we could do “whatever it took” together.
Three siblings sitting on a rug with Owen (Age 1) who has CP sitting in the middle