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A Guide to Requesting Disability Accommodations in College
As spring approaches, millions of high school seniors get one step closer to their career and to becoming the person they have dreamed about growing into since they were children. Receiving college acceptance letters is one of the most profound experiences in a young adult’s life. Moving out of your childhood home and stepping into the real world is a majorly exhilarating life event.
Image of author of this post, Sarah Kim, dressed in her college graduation gown
JSH Educational Webinar 8: Anecdotal Lessons Learned from Lived Experience
This webinar is with Ketrina Hazell, Ms. Wheelchair 2018, a young woman with cerebral palsy and Debbie Fink, Vice President of Education and Inclusion at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, overseeing its flagship “Just Say Hi” program. This webinar is about Ketrina's lived experience in the school system and community and what worked or didn't work as she was growing up.
Anecdotal Lessons Learned from Lived Experience webinar
JSH Educational Webinar 3: Power of Language
This webinar with Rachel Byrne, Executive Director of CPF, Ashley Harris Whaley, Director of Communities and Engagement at CPF and individual with with CP, and Debbie Fink, Vice President of Education and Inclusion at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, overseeing its flagship “Just Say Hi” program, focusses on concepts and definitions addressing disability and how language has evolved.
Power of Language - Webinar Listing Image
JSH Educational Webinar 2: Making Connections
This webinar, with Ashley Harris Whaley, Director of Communities and Engagement, Rachel Byrne, Executive Director of CPF, and Debbie Fink, Vice President of Education and Inclusion at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, overseeing its flagship “Just Say Hi” program, focusses on the terms "ableism" and "allyship" and ways to facilitate making connections in the schools and communities.
Making Connections - Webinar Listing Image
JSH Educational Webinar 5: Cultivating Welcoming Communities
This webinar with Rachel Byrne, Executive Director of Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Ashley Harris Whaley, Director of Communities and Engagement, and Debbie Fink, Vice President of Education and Inclusion at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, overseeing its flagship “Just Say Hi” program.This video series is a partnership with the New York City Department of Education and the Cerebral Palsy Foundation "Just Say Hi" Disability Education Curriculum. This series is meant to educate and empower parents of students with diverse needs.
Welcoming communities - webinar listing image
Pediatric Bimanual Therapy: A Scoping Review of Patients, Methods, and Outcomes
Bimanual therapy, also referred to as intensive bimanual training, engages patients in active play or practice to improve the use and coordination of both hands. Bimanual therapy is different from similar unimanual therapies, like constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), because it promotes simultaneous use of both hands.
Icon of microscope against documents against gray background
Saved by the Mom Squad
We got the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy when Lelia was 18 months. I was really happy, as we didn’t know what was wrong with her before then. She had low tone. She couldn’t roll over. She couldn’t sit up. Of course she didn’t walk. The diagnosis gave it a name, something I could work with, and I became a kind of vigilante mother, determined to get the best care for my daughter.
Photo of Lelia Purky wearing a straw har with a yellow flower with blue doodles
Understanding children with cerebral palsy and bullying: A mixed methods approach
Almost all of us can vividly conjure up an episode of being bullied that occurred in our own lives. Hopefully, fewer of us will have memories of being the bully. These experiences and remembrances often are formative, perceived as hurtful, and can have a long term impact on our health and well-being. For me the memory of being the center of attention in a negative way never quite fades, but with age, the perspective changes to a challenge.
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Episode 7. Let's Talk CP. Cracking the Cerebral Palsy Genetic Code Part 2 with Dr. Michael Kruer, Physician Scientist at Phoenix Children's Hospital
Can there be a genetic cause of Cerebral Palsy in some cases? Let's Talk CP host, Cynthia Frisina talks with Dr. Michael Kruer about this topic and his ground-breaking research in Part 2 of a two-part discussion about the possible genetic causes of CP. When Michael Kruer was in medical school, he knew he wanted to work with children. With advancements in gene therapy opening up incredible opportunities in neuroscience, he realized he could be a part of something much bigger than himself and give children affected by movement disorders like cerebral palsy hope that didn’t seem possible just a few years ago.
Michael Kruer has short brown hair, he is smiling wearing a lab coat with a blue tie