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JSH Educational Webinar 5: Cultivating Welcoming Communities
This webinar with Rachel Byrne, Executive Director of Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Ashley Harris Whaley, Director of Communities and Engagement, and Debbie Fink, Vice President of Education and Inclusion at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, overseeing its flagship “Just Say Hi” program.This video series is a partnership with the New York City Department of Education and the Cerebral Palsy Foundation "Just Say Hi" Disability Education Curriculum. This series is meant to educate and empower parents of students with diverse needs.
Welcoming communities - webinar listing image
Catastrophic Rupture
Pediatric critical care physician and ethicist, Dr. Jane Lee was accustomed to caring for children with severe disabilities and felt comfortable helping families navigate the "system". That is until she has her own complicated delivery leaves her second child with a severe brain injury, she finds that everything she learned about disability and personhood as a physician and ethicist is no help as a parent.
Book Cover with the title Catostrophic Rupture written above the author's name, Dr. K. Jane Lee, MD in white lettering over a red background.
One More Step: My Story of Living with Cerebral Palsy, Climbing Kilimanjaro, and Surviving the Hardest Race on Earth
In this exhilarating and inspirational memoir, the first man with cerebral palsy to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and complete the brutal Ironman competition shares the exhilarating adventure that led to his achievements—redefining our ideas of normal and proving that life is never truly limited for any of us.
Book Cover: One More Step image of a man standing on a mountain with clouds on the horizon
Pure Grit
Nineteen people from across the globe, ranging in age from twenty to seventy-plus, tell their stories of living and thriving in diverse fields — in sport, the arts, medicine, business and more. With refreshing frankness, they share their successes along with their struggles — grit is the one characteristic they all have in common.
Pure Grit Book cover written in white over a red ribbon
Keeping Your Head Above Water: Inspirational Insights From a Champion
Born premature Matt Levy was thrown into the world and given two choices: to sink or to swim. Beating all the odds, he emerged as a Paralympic Gold Medallist, public speaker, and a business manager–all due to a mindset shift he experienced fighting for life at the bottom.
Keeping your head above water book cover with photo of man, matt levy, in blue shirt above the words "inspirational insights from a champion."