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Building A Care Team
For individuals with cerebral palsy and their families, finding trusted providers and caregivers is integral to health, quality of life, and well being.
Photograph of a young woman and young man wearing a graduation cap and gown in wheelchairs holding hands with five individuals standing up behind them. One individual is holding an infant.
People and Partners
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation is made up of a committed group of staff, volunteers and leaders from diverse backgrounds. We are so thankful for our partnerships and sponsors who make our work possible.
cpf logo
Browse more than 100 of our expert videos in a broad variety of categories ranging from understanding the diagnosis of cerebral palsy to self care, participation or education.
Early Intervention
In the most general sense, early intervention for cerebral palsy refers to starting therapeutic approaches as early as possible to improve the development of a baby or young child with a delay or identified motor issue. An early intervention plan should be developed in coordination with families/caregivers to create the best possible outcomes for both the child and family.
Tylynn, 2 years old, using their walker
Workplace and Employment
Individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities have the right to pursue employment of their choosing but often encounter obstacles in obtaining and keeping meaningful employment. This topic section aims to provide insights and resources into the many employment barriers and solutions to ensure wholly equal and meaningful employment for individuals with cerebral palsy.
A young woman sits at a desk on the phone smiling. Blue doodles surround her.
Exercise, Sports & Recreation
Exercise and physical activity are important for the health and well-being of everyone, yet this area is overlooked for people with cerebral palsy. Sports, physical activity, and recreation is very important for individuals with cerebral palsy of all ages and can result in better quality of life, increased self-esteem and independence. Most activities and sports can be adapted or modified so everyone can participate. Look for activities you are interested in and get moving!
Taryn (age 3) rock climbing
Women's Health
Women with Cerebral Palsy face many challenges. Finding adequate healthcare shouldn't be one of them. The Cerebral Palsy Foundation is committed to improving the health of women with physical disabilities through our Women's Health Initiative. Learn more from our experts and from women themselves.
Sarah Kim, 22 years old, smiling in front of Columbia University campus
School & Education
Ensuring that a K-12 student (and beyond) with cerebral palsy accesses their educational environment successfully is a top priority for most families. A variety of accommodations addressing the classroom, testing, vision, communication, school activities and other considerations may be needed for the student to achieve their full potential.
Drawing of mother handing child their backpack
Treatment Options
There is no standard therapy that works for every type and every person with CP. Many factors should be considered when putting together a treatment plan. Once a CP diagnosis is made and the type of CP is determined, a team of health care professionals will work to develop a treatment plan to meet your goals.
Nurse holding Zach's hand (age) as he's smiling in a hospital bed
Arm and Hand Function
Hand function is affected in more than 60% of individuals with cerebral palsy to some degree. In milder types of CP, this may only mean a little bit of weakness in hands and fingers. In more severe cases, people may not be able to adequately use one of both of their hands. Treatments targeting upper limb function aim to improve functional abilities, promote functional independence, and/or reduce muscle tone.
Outline of a hand next to hand in cast, illustrating movement constrained therapy
Sleep problems are common in people with cerebral palsy and can adversely impact activities, participation, and quality of life.
Dad holding newborn son kangaroo style while he sleeps
Mobility Equipment and Orthotics
Most people with cerebral palsy utilize some form of equipment to assist with mobility or positioning. These can range from custom orthotics to elaborate powered wheelchairs, gait trainers, walkers, and more. Each individual is different and equipment should always be tailored to meet the unique needs of the user.
Boy with brown hair wearing a blue shirt and blue pants in a red wheelchair smiling in front of a school bus
Hygiene and Self Care
Adopting and maintaining good personal hygiene and self-care habits are important for health, wellness, social acceptance, and the prevention of illness. Though having cerebral palsy does not cause poor hygiene, physical impairments associated with cerebral palsy can make routine hygiene habits difficult for individuals and their caregivers. This section looks at common hygiene and self-care issues that arise with cerebral palsy and offers insights, tools, and techniques that can help develop and maintain good habits.
illustration of the inside of someone's nose, throat and airway. Salivary glands are highlighted in pink