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If at Birth You Don't Succeed: My Adventures with Disaster and Destiny
Comedian Zach Anner opens his frank and devilishly funny book, If at Birth You Don't Succeed, with an admission: he botched his own birth. Two months early, underweight and under-prepared for life, he entered the world with cerebral palsy and an uncertain future.
Book Cover: If at Birth You Don't Succeed by Zack Anner
Children and Youth with Complex Cerebral Palsy: Care and Management
Written for both clinicians and families, this comprehensive guide to complex cerebral palsy utilizes the ICF to organize and guide the subject matter in order to assist both clinicians and families to maximize participation for those who are impacted more significantly by cerebral palsy.
Book Cover with five photos of youth with cerebral palsy. Top left photo of a boy in a wheelchair wearing a red shirt holding a chicken, top middle photo of a young girl finger painting, top right photo of a toddler in a white dress sitting in the grass, bottom left photo of a teenaged boy wearing a blue shirt in a wheelchair playing baseball, bottom right photo of a girl wearing a black and red cheerleading uniform using a walker
Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide to Caregiving (A Johns Hopkins Press Book)
For three editions now, a team of experts associated with the Cerebral Palsy Program at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children have shared vital information through this authoritative resource for parents, who will turn to it time and time again as their child grows.
Book Cover: Cerebral Palsy: A complete guide to caregiving by Freeman Miller, MD and Steven Bachrach, MD
Episode 3: Cerebral Palsy Health. Amy Bailes, PhD, PT, PCS: ABC's of CP
On this episode with Dr. Amy Bailes, we discuss the Gross Motor Functional Classification System (the GMFCS), the Gross Motor Functional Measure (the GMFM), and the corresponding motor curves. The GMFCS is an important classification system that is relatively easy to understand and it helps create a shared language and framework for understanding a person with CP’s physical function. This can be very helpful for patients, families and providers of all sorts, especially as it relates to both and acceptance and understanding of the diagnosis and family-centered shared decision making.
Photo of Amy Bailes in a black shirt on a black background
Obi is a first of its kind, revolutionary dining device for individuals who lack upper extremity function. With the momentary touch of a switch, Obi allows users to select between four compartments of food and to command when the food is captured and delivered to the mouth. Obi increases independence, social interaction, and effective food capturing like never before.
Let’s Talk CP. We’re In This Together
Welcome! The Cerebral Palsy Foundation is connecting the Cerebral Palsy community one podcast at a time with “Let’s Talk CP” - the new podcast series bringing you education, conversation, support and much more on a variety of topics. Join Jason Benetti, White Sox and ESPN sports announcer, and friends, as we get real with families, clinicians and researchers asking the questions you want to know about your CP journey. We’re all in this together.
Let's Talk CP Banner Image
Talking About Sex
Up to 50% of adolescents with cerebral palsy have an intellectual disability, as well as a physical disability. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities still need sexual health education, they just need it in a way that's more individualized so that they can understand it and use it.
Representation of a woman surrounded by sexual education related text
Finding Your Passion
We all have different towns and we all have different things that we do in the course of the day. It may be that the student is a great artist or a great writer. When it comes to assistive technology we have to think about what is going to give that student the ability to do what they love without having to see roadblocks and go, "I can't do that”. There are so many tools out there, whether it's a communication app, a video app, a math tool. With assistive technology you are not making the student into what you want them to be.
A screenshot from the YouTube video, "Finding your Passion"
The Complexity of Acceptance
When you use alternate means of communication it can be really frustrating to go out in community. It is hard to know whether people are understanding you and whether they will take the time to listen. A lot of times it's hard for people to admit that they're not always comfortable with a device or a wheelchair or person who does things differently. So the more we can expose and educate people the better off we all will be. When we talk about acceptance, we're not just talking about people in society accepting people with disabilities. We're also talking about people with disabilities who are using alternate means of communication and how difficult it is for them to be out in the community.
Representation of a person in a wheelchair using assistive technology to communicate with a group of people around them.
Accessibility Features
Many of our products today have accessibility supports in them to the extent where we don't have to purchase anything else. It's already in there. Your phone, your tablet, your smart home devices. If you're going to look for these features on your devices, you can start in your settings. There should be something in there that says accessibility. Go in there, see what's available. The manufacturers have done a really nice job of describing these features right within the settings to give you a sense of what they're going to do.
An image of a smart phone and tablet on a blue background