What to Know Before your OB/GYN Appointment
This video series is a tool to help women with disabilities access gynecologic care.
Something to consider when making your appointment is the time of day. I know for myself early morning is not always the best time. Think about what works best for you.
When I called them, I say, "Hey, I have CP. I want to make sure you're in network of my insurance. Are you guys wheelchair accessible? Is your table wheelchair accessible?
This is what I want to go in for. Will I need to be in stirrups for that? If so, it would generally be helpful to have an extra hand? So can we schedule my appointment for a day when you know that you have the staff on hand?"
Sometimes before you arrive at the doctor's office, it can be difficult to remember exactly what you wish to discuss and what your questions are. It's always helpful to have a list of questions, whether you write them down on paper, whether you jot notes on your cell phone, but have them accessible so that you can check them all off your list.
If it is your first time visiting with this provider, it is essential if they have any prior records from your medical care. Those can include copies of prior pap smears, mammograms, ultrasounds, and any other relevant records. It can also be difficult to remember exactly all the medications you take and the exact dosages so either having a list of your medications with you, or take photos of all of your medication bottles, that would be very helpful.
"It's always helpful to have a list of questions, whether you write them down on paper, whether you jot notes on your cell phone, but have them accessible so that you can check them all off your list."