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2024 Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp is an experience that can benefit children with Cerebral Palsy! Camps create opportunities to make friends, learn new skills, build confidence, have an adventure, make a mess, and just have fun! Camps gives kids with disabilities the opportunity to just be kids. NO LIMITS. Whether it be a day camp or an overnight camp, there is bound to be something for everyone.
ziplining at camp
A Guide to Requesting Disability Accommodations in College
As spring approaches, millions of high school seniors get one step closer to their career and to becoming the person they have dreamed about growing into since they were children. Receiving college acceptance letters is one of the most profound experiences in a young adult’s life. Moving out of your childhood home and stepping into the real world is a majorly exhilarating life event.
Image of author of this post, Sarah Kim, dressed in her college graduation gown
A Trip Down the Memory Lane of Traveling: Part Two
Welcome to the second part of my travel series! In the previous post, I wrote about how I found my love for traveling through my trip to Madrid and Paris. Looking back, not only do I realize that these trips took place during very different phases of my adult life, but they also mark the different phases of my CP in recent years. Although CP is the result of a non-progressive brain injury, many folks experience a decline in their physical abilities in their adult years — the inevitable effect of aging, not just for those with disabilities, but for everyone.
"A Trip Down the Memory Lane of Traveling: Part Two" in text above image of writer, Sarah Kim, in front of Jackson Square in New Orlean's French Quarter
A Trip Down the Memory Lane of Travel: Part Three
My cousin, Reeva, had recently moved to Kyoto, Japan to learn Japanese for a year, and she convinced me to visit her there. I didn’t know anyone else living in Japan and Reeva was going to be there short term, so I couldn’t possibly pass up going! I was admittedly pretty nervous about traveling all the way across the world— a 24-hour long plane trip, including a layover— especially to a country that uses a language that isn’t remotely like anything I was used to. But, again, I wasn’t going to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"A Trip Down the Memory Lane of Travel: Part Three" written in text above an image of writer, Sarah Kim, in front of a river in Japan
Special Needs Trusts - Advantages of a Pooled Trust
Setting up a Third Party-Special Needs trust as part of estate planning is essential if the individual with a disability is or may be eligible for means-tested government benefits. A properly set up Third Party Trust ensures that the funds left to the individual, whether through gift or inheritance, are not considered countable assets when applying for means tested benefits
Illustration of a bank over a bluish purple background with the heading Get the Facts: Advantages of a Pooled trust
Can Everyone Play? Helpful Tips for Creating Inclusive Accessible Playgrounds
Wouldn’t it be great if inclusive, accessible playgrounds were in every community for all to enjoy? Although progress is being made in certain areas, there is a lot more work to be done to literally level the playing field and help communities and designers understand what makes an inclusive accessible playground and why they are important for people of all abilities.
Smiling boy in yellow adaptive swing
Mental Wellness Among Adults with Cerebral Palsy
Mental health care should be included at the outset, as part of discussions around physical, occupational, and speech therapies. I’ve seen studies on cerebral palsy’s effect on caregiver mental health — and that is important. Caregivers are part of the cerebral palsy community, too. It’s an interdependent one. There’s not enough about the nuance around how having cerebral palsy affects mental health.”
Drawing of the profile of a person with a heart in the center of the brain