Ginny Paleg is a pediatric physiotherapist from Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. For the past 18 years, she has worked with children aged 0-3 years in homes and childcare, with a focus on the F-words. Ginny earned her master’s degree in physical therapy at Emory University and her DScPT at the University of Maryland Baltimore. Ginny specializes in posture and mobility assessment and interventions for children at GMFCS Levels IV and V. She is certified in Prechtl General Movement Assessment (GMA) and the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Exam (HINE) and trained in Routines Based Interventions (McMaster) and coaching (Sheldon and Rush). She has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles on standers, supported stepping devices, and power mobility. She is the lead author for the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy Hypotonia Care Pathway and the Chair of the AACPDM Communications Committee and a member of the Nominating Committee. She served on the Scientific Committees for the AACPDM and EACD in 2022
Ginny Paleg, PT, DScPT, MPT
Pediatric Physiotherapist
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