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How important is it to control drooling and other frequently asked questions
Drooling is an important problem for many individuals with CP and there are a number of interventions available to treat symptoms. If an individual with CP or their caregiver have concerns about drooling it is important to discuss with a health care provider. Care pathways such as the AACPDM pathway can be a starting point for shared decision making. In all cases, working together as a team is important in choosing the best alternative. Children and adults with CP may have trouble with drooling, or saliva management. In the medical world, drooling is referred to as sialorrhea. Saliva plays an important role in eating but also can interfere with airway clearance and breathing, as well as social participation. When drooling has this kind of impact it becomes important to consider intervention.
Photo of a young man in a blue shirt, wearing dark sunglasses with yellow rims reclining in a wheelchair with a batman printed neck pillow around his neck. He is in a hospital room and has a feeding tube attached to the wheelchair.
How to Get Quality Sleep with CP and/or Chronic Pain
I suppose there has to be one silver lining that comes out of being sheltered in place for months on end (due to Covid-19): I’ve finally been catching up on sleep. The recommended nightly hours of sleep is between 7 and 9 hours . For me, getting a good night’s sleep has been the best way to regain a sense of control and ease during such unnerving times. Not only does sleep improve mood and
Text: How to Get Quality Sleep with CP and/or Chronic Pain, black and white photo of a woman in a wheelchair looking out a window.
Key Facts: Signs and Symptoms
Infants with CP frequently have developmental and motor delays, in which they are slow to reach milestones such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, or walk. The symptoms of CP differ in type and severity from one person to the next, and may even change in an individual over time.
Ultrasound image of baby with their hand towards their mouth
Key Facts - Cause & Timing
Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disability in children caused by abnormal development or damage to the motor area of the brain’s outer layer (called the cerebral cortex), the part of the brain that directs muscle movement. This damage can occur before, during, or shortly after birth.
MRI of brain showing damage
Key Facts - The Five E's of Early Intervention
Early interventions for CP should be based on the strongest possible scientific evidence for benefit and should have the smallest possible risk of harm. In the US, early intervention (EI) is a system of services available under the age of 3, to support infants and toddlers with developmental problems and their families as they interact with and care for their child.
Briana (Age 4) in therapy moving a puzzle piece with her PT
7 Tips Daily Mindfulness
As a physician and researcher, I skeptically looked forward to learning more about mindfulness practice, because there is evidence it helps with stress management, self-regulation, focus, productivity and happiness. As a mom, I felt that weird mix of guilt that I was going to focus on “not-my-children” for a whole day, excited anticipation and anxiety that maybe I would be a complete failure at this. It turns out all the mental baggage I took into the workshop was the exact opposite of what mindfulness tries to achieve. The daily practice has since changed my life.
Drawing of a person meditating with doodles of suns and happy faces against a green background