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The Accessible Stall
The Accessible Stall is a disability podcast hosted by Kyle Khachadurian and Emily Ladau that keeps it real about issues within the disability community. Because we each have different disabilities and mobility levels, we approach everything we talk about with two unique viewpoints, offering our listeners a fresh insight into how differences in disability can color your experiences and perspectives. And we never shy away from offering our honest opinion. Even if they go against the grain of the disability community at large, we always speak our minds.
The accessible stall podcast
Children's Waivers and More
Medicaid Waivers, Katie Beckett or TEFRA are all forms of benefits that an "waive" medicaid financial restrictions for parents of children who have a developmental disability acquired prior to the age of three. has provided a comprehensive, interactive website of all available medicaid waiver programs by State across the US.
Map of the United States in Purple
RESNA (Rehab Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America)
RESNA (Rehab Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) is a great place to find highly qualified rehab and assistive technology professionals in your area. They also have provided their research to help providers and the families they serve make decisions about powered mobility for young children.
Logo for RESNA with a red flag and black lettering that says Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Professional Society of North America
A Resource Guide to Understanding Cerebral Palsy- Commentary on Collaboration to Support Health Literacy and Shared Decision Making
Understanding and managing healthcare and the healthcare system can be daunting for all of us. Attitudes of both providers and patients toward healthcare have experienced significant changes over the past few decades, shifting away from a focus on providers addressing problems as they arise, to more of a partnership and a shared decision-making process to maximize function, well-being, and reduce potential morbidities [1].
Collage of individuals and families with cerebral palsy wearing green t-shirts that say go green for CP
Episode 8: Growing Up Kutcher. Michael Kutcher Part 2
Don't miss Part 2 of this very special podcast series when podcast host Cynthia Frisina dives deeper with Michael Kutcher into his life growing up with cerebral palsy, his "coming of age" as the twin brother of actor Christopher "Ashton" Kutcher, and what Michael is doing now with his new "diffability" concept and continued advocacy work on behalf of people with disabilities and organ transplants recently featured in Forbes Magazine
Michael Kutcher seated wearing a dark blazer with light shirt and dark rimmed glasses
Episode 5: Cerebral Palsy Health. Wendy Pierce, MD: What Does a Physiatrist Do Anyway?
On this episode, I have the honor of talking with Wendy Pierce, MD, a pediatric physiatrist at Colorado Children's Hospital about physiatry, also known as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. This fantastic field of medicine can be helpful for individuals with cerebral palsy across with lifespan, but it has a confusing name and sometimes a confusing job description. So we set out to help listeners better understand what a physiatrist does.
Photo of Wendy Pierce wearing a dark tan sweater on a light tan background
Episode 6: Let's Talk CP. Growing up Kutcher. Part 1. Michael Kutcher on Life with Cerebral Palsy and So Much More!
Wonder what it's like to grow up as Michael Kutcher? On this episode of "Let's Talk CP" Michael Kutcher and host Cynthia Frisina dive deep into Michael's childhood and journey to adulthood - including the good, the not so good and the very surprising. You won't want to miss what Michael has to say in this very candid and intimate conversation.
Michael Kutcher seated wearing a dark blazer with light shirt and dark rimmed glasses
Risky Behavior
All adolescents and young adults experience some peer pressure to engage in drinking or other risky behaviors. Adolescents with cerebral palsy engage in risky behaviors just like other teenagers. Some families find it helpful to sign what's called, a Contract for Life, or a Contract for Safety, with their child. The parent agrees not to yell in the moment and to have a conversation about it the next day. That's one way that adolescents and parents can create some zone of safety around drinking.
Family holding a contract for safety
Talking About Sex
Up to 50% of adolescents with cerebral palsy have an intellectual disability, as well as a physical disability. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities still need sexual health education, they just need it in a way that's more individualized so that they can understand it and use it.
Representation of a woman surrounded by sexual education related text