RESNA (Rehab Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America)
RESNA is the Rehab Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America. It's membership consists of physical therapists, rehabilitation engineers, recreation therapists, assistive technology professionals, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiatrists and more! All for the purpose of advancing technology and equipment for individuals with disabilities.
It is a great place to locate local professionals who can help with equipment and assistive technology needs and they provide excellent sources of research to help your medical team provide insurance with proper justification for your personal needs.
Position Paper on Powered Mobility for Young Children
RESNA has done a great job providing the resources your provider may need to help you obtain the best equipment for yourself or your loved one. One example is their position paper on Powered Mobility. Too often children are denied powered mobility for reasons that are not in the best interest of the child. In this well written, easy to understand and comprehensive paper, RESNA lays out the state of current research, who powered mobility serves to benefit and why.
It is RESNA position that age, limited vision or cognition, behavioral issues, and the ability to walk or propel a manual wheelchair short distances should not, in and of themselves, be used as discriminatory factors against providing powered mobility for children.