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Children and Youth with Complex Cerebral Palsy: Care and Management
Written for both clinicians and families, this comprehensive guide to complex cerebral palsy utilizes the ICF to organize and guide the subject matter in order to assist both clinicians and families to maximize participation for those who are impacted more significantly by cerebral palsy.
Book Cover with five photos of youth with cerebral palsy. Top left photo of a boy in a wheelchair wearing a red shirt holding a chicken, top middle photo of a young girl finger painting, top right photo of a toddler in a white dress sitting in the grass, bottom left photo of a teenaged boy wearing a blue shirt in a wheelchair playing baseball, bottom right photo of a girl wearing a black and red cheerleading uniform using a walker
Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide to Caregiving (A Johns Hopkins Press Book)
For three editions now, a team of experts associated with the Cerebral Palsy Program at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children have shared vital information through this authoritative resource for parents, who will turn to it time and time again as their child grows.
Book Cover: Cerebral Palsy: A complete guide to caregiving by Freeman Miller, MD and Steven Bachrach, MD
Episode 7. Let's Talk CP. Cracking the Cerebral Palsy Genetic Code Part 2 with Dr. Michael Kruer, Physician Scientist at Phoenix Children's Hospital
Can there be a genetic cause of Cerebral Palsy in some cases? Let's Talk CP host, Cynthia Frisina talks with Dr. Michael Kruer about this topic and his ground-breaking research in Part 2 of a two-part discussion about the possible genetic causes of CP. When Michael Kruer was in medical school, he knew he wanted to work with children. With advancements in gene therapy opening up incredible opportunities in neuroscience, he realized he could be a part of something much bigger than himself and give children affected by movement disorders like cerebral palsy hope that didn’t seem possible just a few years ago.
Michael Kruer has short brown hair, he is smiling wearing a lab coat with a blue tie
Episode 5: Cerebral Palsy Health. Wendy Pierce, MD: What Does a Physiatrist Do Anyway?
On this episode, I have the honor of talking with Wendy Pierce, MD, a pediatric physiatrist at Colorado Children's Hospital about physiatry, also known as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. This fantastic field of medicine can be helpful for individuals with cerebral palsy across with lifespan, but it has a confusing name and sometimes a confusing job description. So we set out to help listeners better understand what a physiatrist does.
Photo of Wendy Pierce wearing a dark tan sweater on a light tan background
Episode 5: Let's Talk CP. What is Genetic Counseling and How Can it Help Your Family?
If you're interested in learning more about what is involved with genetic testing and how a visit with a genetic counselor might be helpful, join Cynthia Frisina, the host of Let's Talk CP, as she dives deep with licensed genetic counselor, Danielle Lemke and they talk about what genetic counseling really is, how it can help and what it might be used for as it relates to potential genetic causes of cerebral palsy.
Danielle Lemke has long dark brown hair and is smiling. She is wearing a black blazer.
Episode 4. Let's Talk CP. Cracking the Cerebral Palsy Genetic Code Part 1 with Dr. Michael Kruer, Physician Scientist at Phoenix Children's Hospital
Can there be a genetic cause of Cerebral Palsy in some cases? Let's Talk CP host, Cynthia Frisina talks with Dr. Michael Kruer about this topic and his ground-breaking research in Part 1 of a two-part discussion about the possible genetic causes of CP. When Michael Kruer was in medical school, he knew he wanted to work with children. With advancements in gene therapy opening up incredible opportunities in neuroscience, he realized he could be a part of something much bigger than himself and give children affected by movement disorders like cerebral palsy hope that didn’t seem possible just a few years ago.
Michael Kruer has short brown hair, he is smiling wearing a lab coat with a blue tie
Episode 1. Introduction of "Let’s Talk CP". What Questions Should You Be Asking Your Child’s Clinician?
Our “Let’s Talk CP” podcast series kicks off with a great conversation about what questions to ask your child’s clinician when your child has cerebral palsy. How should you prepare for a medical appointment? What questions should you ask? Should you get a second opinion? Join Cerebral Palsy Foundation host, Cynthia Frisina as she shares candid talk, lessons learned and great advice with fellow moms, Wendy Sullivan and Jennifer Lyman. This episode is made possible with the support of Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals.
Wendy Sullivan has long blonde hair is smiling and wearing a white suit jacket, Cynthia Frisina has long brown hair and is smiling, wearing a black top and Jen Lyman has long, curly brown hair and is smiling wearing an olive green top.
Will the “Post-Pandemic” Workplace Be More Inclusive of Employees with Disabilities?
As cities and states across the countries are lifting the COVID-19 lockdown orders, people are returning to work at their offices. However, since the virus is still very much going around, employers must be vigilant about keeping their workplaces as safe as possible. Although we might be seeing a sense of “normalcy,” there’s still a long way to go before reaching the pre-pandemic normalcy—if we
Sarah Kim sitting at a desk doing work. Text is article title Will the “Post-Pandemic” Workplace Be More Inclusive of Employees with Disabilities?
What Companies and Schools Should Learn About Disability Accommodations from the COVID-19 Outbreak
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to sweep through the country, there are increasing orders from local governments for residents to stay at home, unless they’re essential workers. Both professionals and students are relying on Zoom and other video conferencing software to work or learn from the comforts of their home, although such measures, in most cases, were not permitted before the pandemic.
"Learning from Disability Accommodations for COVID-19" written in text next to an image of writer, Sarah Kim
Navigating CP and Depression at the Same Time
There is insufficient research on adults living with cerebral palsy, (as referenced in my previous blog post on cerebral palsy and adulthood). Although there is a paucity of studies examining mental health in this population, medical researchers have speculated that the rate of depression is three to four times higher in people with disabilities such as CP than it is in the general population.
"Navigating CP and Depression at the Same Time" is shown in text above an illustration of a person in a wheelchair colored in blue
Reasons Your Child May Not Be Sleeping
Sleep is important to all of us, but it's especially important for infants. When infants go to sleep, they start to create neural networks about what they've been learning during the day. It's estimated that as many as one in five children with disabilities have a sleep disorder, and that's higher than the rate of typically-developing children. Finding sleep interventions for these children is incredibly important so they can lay down their brain networks and continue to learn during their early childhood years.
Stick figure drawing of two parents holding their child