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Children's Waivers and More
Medicaid Waivers, Katie Beckett or TEFRA are all forms of benefits that an "waive" medicaid financial restrictions for parents of children who have a developmental disability acquired prior to the age of three. has provided a comprehensive, interactive website of all available medicaid waiver programs by State across the US.
Map of the United States in Purple
Understanding Gait Analysis & Orthopedic Surgery
It's really hard just to watch someone walk to decide what's wrong with them. A better way is to do what's called Three Dimensional Gait Analysis, and that's where the child comes into one of our labs. Here, we put markers on their face, hands, and legs. We have a computer and a bunch of cameras all around the room. And then we're able to break down the gait into three dimensions.
Stick figure against purple background with trackers and cameras on them to monitor their gait