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The Accessible Stall
The Accessible Stall is a disability podcast hosted by Kyle Khachadurian and Emily Ladau that keeps it real about issues within the disability community. Because we each have different disabilities and mobility levels, we approach everything we talk about with two unique viewpoints, offering our listeners a fresh insight into how differences in disability can color your experiences and perspectives. And we never shy away from offering our honest opinion. Even if they go against the grain of the disability community at large, we always speak our minds.
The accessible stall podcast
New Horizons Virtual Town Hall 10 - Demystifying Dyskinesia!
Do you or your child have movements that are difficult to control? Is your mobility and function impacted by abnormal movements or do these movements cause pain? If so, you or your child may have Dyskinesia. If you want to learn more, including how it is treated, don't miss this educational Town Hall with experts Dr. Heather Riordan, from Kennedy Krieger Institute, and Dr. Michael Kruer, from Phoenix Children's.
Demystifying Dyskinesia with Dr. Heather Riordan and Dr. Michael Kruer on March 27th at 7:00 PM ET
Sleep Problems in Children with CP and Their Parents
Early diagnosis begins with a medical history and involves using neuroimaging, standardized neurological, and standardized motor assessments that indicate congruent abnormal findings indicative of cerebral palsy. Clinicians should understand the importance of prompt referral to diagnostic-specific early intervention to optimize infant motor and cognitive plasticity, prevent secondary complications, and enhance caregiver well-being.
Icon of microscope against documents against gray background
A Guide to Requesting Disability Accommodations in College
As spring approaches, millions of high school seniors get one step closer to their career and to becoming the person they have dreamed about growing into since they were children. Receiving college acceptance letters is one of the most profound experiences in a young adult’s life. Moving out of your childhood home and stepping into the real world is a majorly exhilarating life event.
Image of author of this post, Sarah Kim, dressed in her college graduation gown