Misty Campbell is parent of child with complex disabilities who wrote this book as a guide for other families to advocate for their own children with significant disabilities.
In cerebral palsy (CP) muscles are often shortened so much that they restrict joint range of motion and the muscles themselves are weak. Thus, ‘shortness’ and ‘weakness’ are two important needs that clinicians must address.
Dyskinesia is an umbrella term encompassing a range of different movements. These are all movements that can be out of your control. Dyskinesia is very common in cerebral palsy.
Dr. Bhooma Aravamuthan presents Understanding Dystonia: Diagnosis and Treatment at the 2020 AACPDM Community Forum. Moderated by Council Chair, Jen Lyman.
The second Virtual Town Hall featured the experts from Rady Children's Hospital, Southern Family CP Center, and UC San Diego School of Medicine in San Diego, California. This multi-disciplinary panel discussion highlights the latest updates in care of children with CerebralPalsy.
It's really hard just to watch someone walk to decide what's wrong with them. A better way is to do what's called Three Dimensional Gait Analysis, and that's where the child comes into one of our labs. Here, we put markers on their face, hands, and legs. We have a computer and a bunch of cameras all around the room. And then we're able to break down the gait into three dimensions.
As an orthopedic surgeon I take care of children from the time they're born all the way through to adulthood . My oldest patient I have is 87 years old. As part of my practice I'm able to take care of all of their musculoskeletal problems, their problems with their bones and their joints.