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Saved by the Mom Squad
We got the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy when Lelia was 18 months. I was really happy, as we didn’t know what was wrong with her before then. She had low tone. She couldn’t roll over. She couldn’t sit up. Of course she didn’t walk. The diagnosis gave it a name, something I could work with, and I became a kind of vigilante mother, determined to get the best care for my daughter.
Photo of Lelia Purky wearing a straw har with a yellow flower with blue doodles
New Horizons Virtual Town Hall 1- Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center at Columbia University
Our educational series kicked off with a panel of experts from the Weinberg Family CP Center at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 at 6:30pm ET. This virtual event featured a multi-disciplinary panel discussion with Weinberg Family CP Center clinicians and researchers.
Blue crown symbol in the upper left corner next to the word Columbia Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center
Finding Your Passion
We all have different towns and we all have different things that we do in the course of the day. It may be that the student is a great artist or a great writer. When it comes to assistive technology we have to think about what is going to give that student the ability to do what they love without having to see roadblocks and go, "I can't do that”. There are so many tools out there, whether it's a communication app, a video app, a math tool. With assistive technology you are not making the student into what you want them to be.
A screenshot from the YouTube video, "Finding your Passion"
What is Constraint Induced Movement Therapy?
Upper limb therapies and interventions have been well studied in cerebral palsy. Different interventions that have good evidence are Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) and Bimanual Therapy. CIMT has been shown to be successful in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). CIMT uses a splint to physically constrain the uninvolved arm and encourage them to use the more involved or affected arm.
Drawing of hand next to drawing of hand in sling for movement constraint therapy