Dan Herlihy has worked in the education field for over 30 years, working in Special Education classrooms, as a Computer Resource Specialist, Network Administrator, Assistive Technology Resource Specialist and developing Wilderness Programs for at risk students. Currently Dan is a private consultant providing training and professional development to educators on how to use and integrate technology in the classroom. He presents nationally and internationally at conferences and in school districts on topics ranging from Technology Solutions for Struggling Students, Knowledge and Accessibility, Promoting Higher Ordered Thinking, Using 21st Century Tools for Teaching & Learning, Creating Access on the Fly, Working with High and Low Incidence Disabilities, Creating Access to the Arts and Using Digital Images in the Classroom as a Teaching and Learning Tool. He has written numerous books and articles on technology integration, and produced CDs of educational activities for educators and students. He develops online videos for educators showcasing technology integration. His expertise is in taking diverse technologies, and connecting them together to provide solutions for access.
Dan Herlihy
Assistive Technology Resource Specialist
Expert Videos