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Episode 8: Growing Up Kutcher. Michael Kutcher Part 2
Don't miss Part 2 of this very special podcast series when podcast host Cynthia Frisina dives deeper with Michael Kutcher into his life growing up with cerebral palsy, his "coming of age" as the twin brother of actor Christopher "Ashton" Kutcher, and what Michael is doing now with his new "diffability" concept and continued advocacy work on behalf of people with disabilities and organ transplants recently featured in Forbes Magazine
Michael Kutcher seated wearing a dark blazer with light shirt and dark rimmed glasses
Episode 6: Let's Talk CP. Growing up Kutcher. Part 1. Michael Kutcher on Life with Cerebral Palsy and So Much More!
Wonder what it's like to grow up as Michael Kutcher? On this episode of "Let's Talk CP" Michael Kutcher and host Cynthia Frisina dive deep into Michael's childhood and journey to adulthood - including the good, the not so good and the very surprising. You won't want to miss what Michael has to say in this very candid and intimate conversation.
Michael Kutcher seated wearing a dark blazer with light shirt and dark rimmed glasses
The Complexity of Acceptance
When you use alternate means of communication it can be really frustrating to go out in community. It is hard to know whether people are understanding you and whether they will take the time to listen. A lot of times it's hard for people to admit that they're not always comfortable with a device or a wheelchair or person who does things differently. So the more we can expose and educate people the better off we all will be. When we talk about acceptance, we're not just talking about people in society accepting people with disabilities. We're also talking about people with disabilities who are using alternate means of communication and how difficult it is for them to be out in the community.
Representation of a person in a wheelchair using assistive technology to communicate with a group of people around them.