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Xbox Co-Pilot
Xbox One’s new copilot feature allows two users to share one controller by combining the input from two controllers, so that two people can play as one. “Now folks with disabilities who need someone else to handle certain actions can turn what would be a cumbersome task into a co-op experience of sorts, ” explained Scott Henson from the Xbox engineering team.
Photo of two xbox controllers connected by a green squiggly line.
Top 5 Reasons Not To Hate The NICU
PTSD can be common in parents after a child with Cerebral Palsy has left the NICU. One of the hardest days of my life as a NICU parent was not what I would have expected it to be. It was the day I went home without my baby, after spending every waking moment since my emergency C-section by his incubator. I never knew I had a dream about what it would be like to have a baby until that dream was taken away.
Baby in an incubator in the NICU touching parent's hand