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Episode 4: Cerebral Palsy Health. Iona Novak, PhD and Madison Paton, PhD: What's the Deal with Stem Cells Anyway?
On this episode I talk with two of the world’s leading researchers… Dr. Madison Paton and Dr. Iona Novak on stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. Stem Cells have been a hot topic in Cerebral Palsy for at least 15 years now, with many parents and researchers hoping that at the least, stem cells will lessen the impact of CP and at most hold the key to a cure. Dr. Paton and Dr. Novak will share their insider knowledge into this subject and help us sort through the hype and so we can hold onto our hope.
Photo of Madison Paton wearing a yellow sweater and Iona Novak wearing a black shirt on a grey background
Supporting Reading for a Child who is Non-Verbal
I'm going to be talking about AAC and reading and some different things that you might not think about when you are doing those types of activities. When you're supporting reading for a nonverbal child, whether they use a high-tech system or a light-tech system, like a paperboard, you want to make sure that they have plenty of the opportunities to contribute to the experience. You want to be able to comment. You want to be able to talk about the people, the places, the things, and maybe the feelings that they have.
Photo of Pati King Debaun with words that say Get the child engaged in reading with you