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Mixed Types
Mixed types of CP refer to symptoms that don’t correspond to any single type of CP but are a mix of types. For example, a child with mixed CP may have some muscles that are too tight and others that are too relaxed.
Get the Facts: What Are Mixed types
Dystonia Care Pathway
The Dystonia Care Pathway was created in 2016 based on best available evidence and is currently under revision. This link will be updated accordingly. The goal of the these Care Pathways is to help Health Care Professionals understand the research evidence on the topic so that they can make clinical decisions for the care of the individual.
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Understanding children with cerebral palsy and bullying: A mixed methods approach
Almost all of us can vividly conjure up an episode of being bullied that occurred in our own lives. Hopefully, fewer of us will have memories of being the bully. These experiences and remembrances often are formative, perceived as hurtful, and can have a long term impact on our health and well-being. For me the memory of being the center of attention in a negative way never quite fades, but with age, the perspective changes to a challenge.
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