In 10% to 15% of cases, there is no clear cause of CP. There is increasing recognition that genetics plays a part, but no standardized approach to genetic testing in patients with CP exists. In this study we asked the question whether both people with and without known risk factors for CP should have genetic testing.
Author summary on stakeholder perspectives of pediatric powered wheelchair standing devices.
Early powered mobility has been shown to improve cognition in children with multiple, complex disabilities.
Every educator needs to make a decision about technology they need to put in place. They're not sure if they should put Option A in place or Option B in place. This can be particularly difficult in the world of disabilities because there might not always be a perfect answer. Teachers can look to this solution, using the least dangerous assumption to make good decisions about what technology might be best.
When you don't have enough evidence about a student's performance, assume they can do whatever you're asking them to do.