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Will the “Post-Pandemic” Workplace Be More Inclusive of Employees with Disabilities?
As cities and states across the countries are lifting the COVID-19 lockdown orders, people are returning to work at their offices. However, since the virus is still very much going around, employers must be vigilant about keeping their workplaces as safe as possible. Although we might be seeing a sense of “normalcy,” there’s still a long way to go before reaching the pre-pandemic normalcy—if we
Sarah Kim sitting at a desk doing work. Text is article title Will the “Post-Pandemic” Workplace Be More Inclusive of Employees with Disabilities?
What Companies and Schools Should Learn About Disability Accommodations from the COVID-19 Outbreak
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to sweep through the country, there are increasing orders from local governments for residents to stay at home, unless they’re essential workers. Both professionals and students are relying on Zoom and other video conferencing software to work or learn from the comforts of their home, although such measures, in most cases, were not permitted before the pandemic.
"Learning from Disability Accommodations for COVID-19" written in text next to an image of writer, Sarah Kim