Optimizing Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan
It is important for individuals and families of those with Cerebral Palsy to be aware of important primary preventative health, rehabilitative and fitness/physical activity recommendations, and environmental adaptations or personal considerations that accompany aging that can impact wellness, participation and overall quality of life.
In this comprehensive chapter, authors Dr. Mary Gannotti, PT, PhD and David Frumberg, MD provide and excellent overview of everything to consider, complete with recommendations for the primary care physician, physical therapist or personal trainer and other health providers. This solutions oriented chapter provides excellent resources to assist physicians and therapists in assessing clients needs and goals, as well as advice about identifying abuse and environmental risks that may be overlooked.
Plasticity, Plasticity, Plasticity! Despite early brain injury and subsequent consequences from lack of movement, adults with CP have the same potential for plasticity of the muscles, bones, and brain, as other individuals.