This review explores how muscles adapt to various forms of exercise in children and adolescents with CP.
Our research shows that higher Bone Mineral Density (BMD) was associated with a greater risk of fracture, which is opposite of what we would expect. When we picked apart the BMD ratio we found that bone size had the strongest association with fracture risk, such that smaller bones had a greater risk.
Adults with Cerebral Palsy have unique care needs related to physiological changes that occurred with growth and development with Cerebral Palsy, including mental health, yet experience many barriers to proper care.
I have cerebral palsy spastic diplegia. So it affects my legs and sometimes my fine motor skills. I walk with two canes. I do things a little slower, but I get things done.
One thing that parents can say to start a conversation with their kids is, "Let's talk".
Oropharyngeal dysphagia, or OPD, is an impairment of the oral or pharyngeal phases of the swallow. This can impair muscle movements and coordination of the mouth, such as the lips, tongue, jaw, cheeks, palate, and also muscles of the pharynx and the entry to the airway.
When it comes to preparing your child for Botulinum Toxin injections, the first most important thing to remember is to know your child.
In order to get a good education, children need to access the curriculum. That's at the heart of their education. Some of the key challenges of getting students both their education and access to their voice in the class is simply understanding. Preparation for the student with disabilities is key. We have to foster success. We have to build a sense of success in the beginning. That starts with understanding the abilities of that student.