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Small Steps
Theodore "Armpit" Johnson tries his best to keep out of trouble after being released from juvenile detention. But it's hard to do when the only person who believes in you is your ten year old neighbor with CP, and people from the past are trying to get you back into bad habits.
Multi-colored footsteps leading upwards on a navy blue background
Reaching For Sun
In "Reaching For Sun" by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, Josie Wyatt knows what it means to be different. Even if Josie wants to forget that she was born with a disability, her mom can't seem to let it go.
Girl with yellow flower crown is smelling a yellow flower with a blue background. The book title "Reaching For Sun" is written in red.
People with Disabilities Also Have Diverse Sexualities and Gender Identities
A year ago, I wrote in my Forbes column about the decades-long pattern of Pride Month celebrations excluding people with disabilities. The underlying reason why Pride events were (and still are) mostly inaccessible for people with disabilities, both in terms of physical spaces and social acceptance, is that mainstream media and public don’t see them having identities outside of their disabilities.
"People with Disabilities Also Have Diverse Sexualities and Gender Identities" is written in text above a representation of different people, some using wheelchairs, some using crutches, some standing without assistance. The representations of people are all in different colors reminiscent of the pride flag