Here is some information about our study. You will complete testing at the University of Georgia at five different time points throughout the year. The testing at each time point will include 2 or 3 sessions and will occur over a 2-day period. Each session will last 2 to 5 hours. Briefly, during each session, we will conduct a series of tests to assess the muscles, bones and the balance of your child. Some of the tests include bone density scan, a blood draw, physical activity and muscle strength tests. The tests generally occur over the weekend. Potential risks associated with participation in this study include the discomforts during blood draw, possible nausea, falling, and muscle soreness. Your child will also wear activity monitors on their waist and on their ankle and you will write down what they eat and their physical activities. After the baseline (or initial) testing, your child will stand on a platform for 10 minutes every day for 6 months. Some platforms will vibrate very mildly, while others will only make a low-level noise. The platform your child receives will be randomized. If your child receives a platform that only makes a low-level noise, after the 12-month study period is finished, you will have the option for your child to receive the 6-month vibration treatment (we will give you a vibration plate that actually vibrates).
Your child will receive $25 for each test session completed (up to $50-$75 per visit). Your child will also receive a ~$10 gift (teddy bear, toy, etc.) for every month they stand on the vibration or noise-making platform during the 6 month treatment period at least 90 % of their scheduled time. If all sessions are completed and all monthly incentives are received during the 12- month study, the total amount received would equal $385 ($325, cash + $60, gifts). To compensate you for your trip, you will receive a travel stipend of $100-$130 per visit. If you are not local to the Athens-Atlanta area, we will provide hotel accommodations in Athens, GA. UGA will not be able to cover airfare costs or travel from the airport. We still hope you consider participating in the study as it is a great opportunity for growth of knowledge in this population!