Speech Accessibility Project

Enrolling Adults Now! Share Your Voice with the speech accessibility project
Share your Voice with the speech Accessibility Project

We’re making speech recognition tools more accessible, and we need your help! We’re recording individuals with diverse voices, and we’re recruiting U.S. adults who have:

- Cerebral palsy

- Parkinson’s disease

- Down syndrome

- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

- Speaking difficulties after having a stroke.

Record your speech from the comfort of your home.

Is there Compensation?

Participants can earn up to $180. Caregivers can earn up to $90, as well.

Who is funding this project?

Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft are all funding this important project.

Will my personal information be protected?

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, a historic leader in accessibility, will safe guard all personal information.

How do I get involved?

Our mentors are ready to help you through the participation process. Get started today!

Contact: Jennifer.lyman@yourcpf.org to learn more